I love how much my kittens love each other. Truth, they're not really "kittens" any more, but I still think of them that way. They're about 6 months old now. Tucker is twice the size of Juliet, but somehow she always ends up being the nap pillow. That would be him on top in the picture.
Tucker really is a pretty well-behaved cat. He's laid back, he enjoys his naps and he likes his comfort. Juliet, in contrast, is perhaps the most active cat I've ever had. She's into everything and I mean EVERYTHING. One of her favorite places to search for toys is in the basket in my bathroom where I keep hairbrushes, clips and ponytail holders. If the bathroom door is open for longer than about 10 seconds I guarantee you she is up on the counter, scooping out ponytail holders to play with. She loves the sink and the faucet, more so when I turn the water on. Cupboards left ajar are irresistable, and the kids room are open season for endless hours of fun with their toys. She's a natural hunter; I have no doubt were she an outside cat there wouldn't be a bird or small rodent left alive wtihin MILES. When she does settle down, though, she's all MY cat. When she wants a nap, if I'm here and seated, she's on my lap. She sleeps on my legs at night and loves to be carried around.