Rough week last week. I miss my dog so much. Changes in my relationships were difficult. The kids have had some behavioral issues, not surprising with the loss we all suffered. I had to change the desktop photo on my laptop at work (it was this picture), I couldn't look at my screen without wanting to cry.
I've never been one of those people who are comfortable just sitting still with their feelings. Perhaps I'd be more highly evolved if I could do that, and its something I'm working on, but I'm not yet to the point where I can experience a deep emotion and not feel like I have to get up and MOVE or DO SOMETHING to help alleviate the pain.
Meet Mali.
Mali is NOT my dog.
The city I live in has a three-dog limit. I've had three dogs for so long, either of my own or my own plus a foster, that I knew I would want another dog. Never a replacement, but there are so many dogs out there in need that I feel that whenever I can, I should open my home and my heart to help out. Its something I can do, its something I am good at. But I decided instead of looking for another dog to be a permanent member of the family that I would put my empty crate and aching heart to better use and start fostering again. Mali is my first foster for Pet Over-Population Prevention, a dog and cat rescue group in my area.
I can help more dogs in the long term by fostering, and I don't know about where you live, but out here in the rural areas, the number of stray and abandoned dogs is just mind-boggling. People drive out the rural highways and dump dogs by the dozens. Its so sad. Mali is one of those dogs, found wandering out along the Kahlotus highway. She is a very sweet, timid Rottie mix who adores children and is very calm and submissive with outher dogs and cats. She is housebroken and crate trained and we will be working on her leash training here, as she appears to never have been taught to walk on a leash.
I'm half-tempted to rename her "Shadow" since it appears she has decided to become mine...
It is a fitting end to a difficult week. In some ways I still feel as if I am being pushed down by gravity - my heart is heavy, I feel weight on my shoulders, I feel raw and emotional. I know that I will heal over time and I know that God sees and comforts me with every tear I shed. Helping others is the best way I know how to help myself.