and I'm topic-less. The problem isn't that I can't think of something to write about, its more that I can't pick ONE thing to write about. My frontal lobe is mashed full of thoughts and feelings and ideas. Expressing them coherently and in an ordered fashion is the challenge of the day. I don't do Friday Fragments, and its too late for Random Crap Tuesday, so let's just muddle along here and see what we get.
Tuesday morning when I woke up with no kids in the house I believed for a few moments that it was Saturday and I had forgotten to turn my alarm off. As I was reaching over to shut it off and go back to sleep I remembered that J and I had switched Mondays and Tuesdays due to a scheduling issue for him. It was such a disappointment to realize that not only did I have to get up and go to work, but that I still had three more days of the grind to get through.
Springtime here is in full swing, we've been getting lots of rain so everything is green and lush, so rare for us living in the desert. Babies are popping up everywhere, the cows are popping out little calves like there's no tomorrow, you should *see* the little goats two blocks away, and O.M.G. baby chicks at the neighbors! The mares are starting to foal, too. I pass by one small breeder operation on my way to my carpool, and every year have nearly gotten myself in a serious car accident when I see the first foal of the season has arrived. I love the babies, always have. We had one on my street this year, but it has been a bit of a sad occasion. The mother was an older mare, and this was scheduled to be her last foal. I'd been looking every time I went by to see if the baby had arrived, and finally on Sunday night she gave birth to a beautiful long-legged, knock-kneed colt. Tuesday, though, when I was coming home I saw her down flat. I pulled in and right away could tell there was something seriously wrong. She could not get up. The neighbor came out, having just called the vet, and we sat with her a while. Sadly the mare did not make it. She'd apparently been bleeding internally since the birth and wasn't able to be saved. I spent Tuesday night trying to help my neighbor and the horse's owner locate goat's milk and feeding apparati to get the colt some nourishment. My other neighbor, who has cattle, supplied a calf feeding bottle, but horses and cows have big difference in the size and shape of their milk bags, so the little guy could not get anything out of the calf bottle. None of the supply stores were open yet, so we had to find something to at least get him through the night. Eventually, after trying several different things including a latex glove with a hole poked in it, putting the milk in a small bucket to see if he would drink it that way, someone had the bright idea of trying a kid's sippy cup. You know what? It worked. I can see the headline now: Orphaned foal saved by Sippy Cup!
Yesterday, between bouts of work and a doctor's appointment, I stopped by a couple of times to check on him. To be honest, I think I'm developing a little bit of a crush on the wee fellow. He's awfully cute, with his long eyelashes, big brown eyes, soft nose whiskers and long, knobby legs. The owner has another mare foaling soon, so we are hopeful that she will be willing to take on a second foal to nurse.
In other news, my daughter has also fallen head over heels in love - with reading. After a rough start this year in school, she has finally been bitten by the reading bug and last weekend we went to the bookstore and for the first time I bought her a book she wantedrather than one that I hoped she'd like. She has been reading constantly ever since. She reminds me of myself as a young girl, nose always buried in the pages of a book, oblivious to the world around me. She fell asleep in my bed last night, book clutched tightly in her hands. My heart went a little kerwonky in my chest just looking at her. So precious.
My mirena comes up on its five year mark in the next few weeks, so yesterday I sadly bid it farewell. Getting it removed hurt much less than it did being installed, which was a relief. I was anticipating the worst. I think a big part of the difference was that the insertion was done by a male doctor. I strictly prefer women when it comes to doctoring my lady bits. Men might know what they're doing down there, but they don't know how certain things feel, and by god if you've ever had a cold speculum shoved up THERE and cranked open with no more thought for your comfort than if the guy was changing your air filter, you know what I mean. Hel-LO, dude, there are nerve endings there! Yes! THERE! And hi, when you're shoving the IUD up my cervix, remember that its usually only meant to have things come OUT and you know what? That bloody well HURTS!
Well, the removal was easy and painless, and now I have no birth control. Not that I plan on needing it anytime soon. I'm sworn off men and dating for the long term. Life is a lot too complicated these days to even consider it. Hell, I barely have time to breathe, much less date. So unless its possible to be impregnated by my, er, B.O.B.*, I should be safe.
On an entirely different note, did anyone manage to catch a glimpse of Kentucky Senate hopeful Rand Paul on the Rachel Maddow show on Tuesday? My jaw hit the ground when the man discussed intellectual opposition to the Civil Rights Act. He wondered if it was right for the Federal Government to force a private restaurant or lunch counter owner to permit something on their premises they were personally opposed to. He actually used guns as an analogy. He said that if a bar owner was personally opposed to guns, they were free to implement a policy prohibiting guns in their establishment. OMIGOD. DID THAT MAN ACTUALLY DRAW AN ANALOGY BETWEEN BLACK PEOPLE AND FIREARMS??? In defense of racism? Yes. Yes, he DID. Unbelievably, this moron won his primary race and will face Democratic challenger Jack Conway in November. I do believe its time for Kentucky to change its habit of electing Republican senators and send Rand Paul packing in November. I do not believe that any individual who harbors such blatantly racist beliefs should ever be elected into a position of representative power. EVER. And now I'm mad because I just wrote about it.
Off to stew.
Have a nice day, y'all.
*Battery Operated Boyfriend