I actually wrote this post several weeks ago. Then my post about my junk-punching child was syndicated by BlogHer and then TodayMoms. I forgot about it until I was trying to think of something coherent to blog about this morning. Interestingly enough, it wasn't even about that event or even some other current events, but it seems to fit somehow.
I'm a fan of overused cliches. "Its all good." "It is what it is." "You're entitled to your opinion." "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." They're the things we throw out when we either can't say how we really feel or don't care enough to have an opinion about something.
But that last one, that "don't say anything at all," that's the one I often am drawn to. Maybe that's a byproduct of my generation's upbringing. Maybe it means that despite the fact I'm often an opinionated, blunt, annoying pain in the ass, at heart I'm really a softie.
I love LOVE the blogosphere. I'm a social networking junkie. I read a couple of handfuls of blogs at least a couple of times a week. I have daily favorites and blogs I catch up on once a month or so. I love to follow some of the controversies that explode in the Twitterverse between the A-listers. There's such a cast of characters out here, and really, its high entertainment.
Some blogs I read because the writing is so incredible. The words on the screen evoke images and feelings and smells and pull childhood memories up from long-forgotten places. These are my guilty pleasure blogs, the ones I just can't stay away from simply for the beauty.
There are the bloggers who have special needs kids, who I read because we often live the same lives, deal with the day to day crazy that having these wonderful kids can be. There are the bloggers who I started reading because of a circumstance in their life that drew me to them - a loss, illness, a challenge - and I keep reading because I want to know how they are doing, I want to see how their story unfolds.
There are the people who question things, stir things up. Get people talking - sometimes heatedly - on topics controversial or around this blogging world.
All of them - I love them. I feel like I know them, just a little.
One thing the internet invites is The Crazy. Its constantly lurking out there, in people who don't blog but froth at the mouth in other people's comments, people who DO blog and whose posts and comments around those posts become unbelievably twisted and angry and horrifying.
If you're someone I really care about, I"ll be as kind as I can with my words if I don't agree with something, but more often than not, if I read or see something that doesn't entirely click, I'll just leave it be. Its not my job to tell people what to write, how to write, what to share, how to live their lives. I enjoy as much as I can and for the most part, I leave the rest.
I have a few things I have opinions about. One or two issues I have incredibly deep-seated issues about. Things I'll gladly hoist myself on my own petard over. But for the most part, in this crazy world of blogging, rarely do I see anything that I feel I must get so upset about that I would leave a comment or send an email to a blogger that was hateful or just outright crazy-mean. Or feel like I was somehow the person responsible for setting them straight.
Something about this strikes me as scary and unstable. That there are people who have such deep-seated control issues that they think they have to control the internet, of all things. That if someone has a differing opinion, they're either mean, or a horrible person, or somehow committing a crime.
Its something I have no answer for. Part of me wants to gently ask people if they might need to be taking better care of themselves, if they're getting help, because truly, being that angry and upset all the time just isn't healthy. There are causes and there are causes -- there are things we tackle in this life because doing so makes a difference in a way that's meaningful and reasonable. But how do we know the difference between pursuing justice in a way that's meaningful and just simply bashing ourselves against the wall in a meaningless display of frustration?
Now, join hands and sing with me. You know the words. Kum-ba-ya, my Lord, Kumb-ba-ya....
Oh, by the way: There are amazing things that happen on the internet, where all of us come together and do something important. Yesterday, Jenny the Bloggess wrote a post with a giveaway of gift cards for people who were struggling financially around the holidays. And you know, after the number of cards she had to give were gone? A lot of people stepped in to keep the giving going. And its still going. Beautiful and amazing, and heartwarming. Tear-worthy. Go check it out.