Thanks to S, whose next contract job doesn't start until April(ish) I was able to volunteer to foster puppies for the rescue. Wait, maybe I'm phrasing that wrong.
Because I'm a forgetful person and a total pushover for babies, I managed to get suckered into fostering puppies for the rescue, aided and abetted by my darling S, who apparently is a sucker of gre at magnitude.
Meet Bella:
and her litter mate Lexie:
As I write this, they are under my chair, chewing on my Uggs.
They are 7 1/2 week-old bundles of cuteness, charm, needle-sharp teeth and an endless reserve of piddle. The boys have their noses seriously out of joint and the cats are hatching murder plots. If they don't quit chewing on the power cord to my laptop, though, the cat's won't need to murder them. I will.
Puppy antics aside, I'm enjoying a few days of relative calm. I'm pretty sure C was cycling this weekend, the end result of that being a complete inability to cope with anything. He spent much of Saturday night an Sunday either crying over things that weren't going right or screaming at the top of his lungs because things weren't going right. He was on sensory overload and just couldn't cope. Monday I had to get him from school because he was so upset about going to his class Valentine's Day party that he laid on the floor in the hallway sobbing for an hour.
We all survived it, mostly. Last night after everyone else was sleeping C and I cuddled together on the couch and watched The Tooth Fairy. He was tired and so was I, but neither of us was ready to give up each others company. Those are the moments that get me through the trying times.
A had a terrible headache last night. Its the second one she's had in as many weeks. Friday before last I ended up taking her to the ER. She'd had a headache since the night before, and when we went to see our pediatrician, she also said her neck was hurting. He was concerned about meningitis and sent us straight to Emergency. Apparently when they suspect bacterial meningitis in children, they don't mess around. AT ALL. We were ushered straight into a room. The pediatric doctor on rotation examined her, then had blood drawn to check white-cell counts. It was A's first blood draw and she likes needles about as much as I do, so it ended being quite the rodeo, with four nurses and me holding her down so the nurse could get her samples taken. Fortunately her white cell count was in normal range, so they sent us home with some Naproxen and instructions to rest. The Naproxen worked its magic and she was much better within a few hours. Last night the headache started again and she was unable to sleep, so I gave her another one. She got sleep, but I tossed and turned. Of course.
Anyone in the market for a puppy?