Finally, it came. Boy, howdy, did it come. We got a good six inches between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. School was delayed, meetings were cancelled, we pretty much didn't leave the house except for putting the kids on the bus and getting them back off.
The kids had a blast playing in the snow. All Wednesday it was the perfect snowball snow - fluffy, just wet enough to stick together to form a ball. Race Car man quickly got over his aversion to socks when he discovered how cold his feet got in his snow boots without them.
We found out Wednesday night that school was cancelled for Thursday and the kids were beside themselves with the excitement of playing outside all day long.
We woke yesterday to a light freezing rain that continued all day long. It left a two-inch layer of ice crystals on top of our snow and coated every tree, fence, mailbox and vehicle in a sheet of ice.
I did leave the house, though. Had to. We we were out of dog food and milk, two things that in this household are required to keep the earth revolving around the sun. And then, I had the followup appointment for Race Car Man's evaluation. He had to retake one test series, and then we met with the psychologist.
I answered a lot of questions. My son answered some questions. The doctor was kind, measured, and very patient. As he interviewed me, he completed an evaluation. We clarified some questions. He will compile his report and send it to us, probably in a week. But of course, as a parent, you want to know the answers to your questions, even if you think you know what they are. And so I asked him. And he very kindly and gently shared the results of the evalution form he had just completed with me.
I've had to learn some new phrases about myself over the last couple of months - some easier, some harder. I've had to learn how to say "I am a wife" after a few years of wanting to be anything but.
I had to learn how to say "My brother is dead" and saying it still causes a surge of anxiety and pain that feels like its going to break my sternum in half.
And as of yesterday, I have one more to add.
"My son has autism."