I never sleep well on Sunday nights. The person I am on the weekends and when I'm at home is who I really am. Shedding that costume when I leave work is effortless. Putting it back on Monday morning is like trying to squeeze into a dress that just doesn't fit quite right. Its not painful or even uncomfortable, but you know that it just isn't "you."
I hauled my three pasture guests up to Michelle's on Saturday. They're going on 12 acres of grass for the summer, which will be great for them. All three are looking shiny and healthy and happy. Such nice girls, really, and I look forward to going over and working with them some in the coming months.
I brought my boys back home, and good gracious does it feel nice to have them back. I missed their faces, missed watching Bugs stick his head over the fence in order to provoke T-Bone and laugh at him when he gets in trouble for barking at the horses.
Sunday was a gorgeous day, and I took full advantage to gain traction on the many projects that need doing in the yard and pasture. I cut down and cut up one of the three junk trees, mowed, watered, and got about 3/4 of the chicken run fence done. I let Bugs and Zenon into the "free" area between the barn and the front lot so they could "mow the grass" for me, and after I wore myself out physically, I took a break, took off my shoes and sat down in the grass with my horses and just hung out with them for a bit.
I was reading some stuff lately about a thing called "earthing." The theory, confirmed by research, is that human beings carry a positive charge. Just walking barefoot for 20 or 30 minutes a day produces physiological changes in our bodies and connective tissue. Earthing proponents claim that it reduces pain, helps us to fight off the effects of aging, and promotes a better spiritual connectedness to our environment and to other people.
All I know is that the simple act of sitting barefoot on the ground, listening the the rythym of grass chewed and tails swishing gave me a small piece of time in which I felt truly at peace and and really at home in my own skin. I needed it. We all do, need to have time where we can relax and just be.
Work and life and troubles are always there waiting for my attention. That doesn't mean I have to focus on them 24/7.