SG and I got married a year ago today. Yay us!
I'm very distressed, though, because the gift that I made sure I picked out and mailed early enough to reach him has not yet found its way to his hotel. Interestingly enough, the absentee ballot I also mailed to him on the same day got there two days ago, so I'm a bit perturbed.
His gift to me arrived on time, of course, in the form a a beautiful dozen long-stemmed roses. I'm not normally a flowers-and-jewelry form of female, but even cynical me has to admit red roses are really the most romantic bouquet a man could ever give a woman. I love them. I'd trade them in a heartbeat to have him home, but since that option is not available to me I'll just enjoy the roses and look forward to seeing him in a few weeks.
I've wondered a few times before and since if we rushed into things, getting married just a hair under a year after we first met. I've always been a creature of impulse, but as I've aged I've learned to question myself. Oh, I still do ALL THE STUPID THINGS but at least I question myself while I'm doing them.
I'm not one of those who thinks that every venture in life can be carefully planned so as to avoid making any mistakes. So we didn't date for ten years or have a five year engagement. At this stage of our lives, are we beyond that sort of thing? Is it OK to just say the heart wants what it wants, you make my girl parts hum with joy and you love me and you love me kids and all of that put together adds up to more than enough? So we hitched our wagons together and we learn as we go, we grow as we learn, and over time we come together more easily because we've built a future on a base of love, trust and very real passion. The faults we didn't recognize in one another we are learning to accept and forgive.
Being a little older, besides giving me a nice antique feel, helps me understand that life and relationships have a degree of ebb and flow SG and I, we accept that there are days we won't click or feel very close, and we have acquired the patience to get through those days with the sure knowledge that the tide will change and we will soon be back in sync. We are in sync far more often than we are not. The not-syncing times can be unpleasant - we are smart, we are emotional, we both think we're right and we're both alpha types. That makes for some pretty spectacular clashes, but the making up part is also pretty spectacular.
Happy First Anniversary, babe. I'm looking forward to many more.