I'm driving to work this morning admiring the big black pickup in front of me. I'm a truck girl, what can I say? I like trucks.
Suddenly something a little odd caught my eye. Something pink, hanging down below the hitch.
See it? Or rather, them?
Truck balls? Is this a thing and I didn't know about it?
A few minutes later I pass the truck and I notice the driver is a woman.
Now I'm really full of questions.
Does she worry about her balls getting wet when she's driving in the rain? Or about them getting shriveled when she's driving in the snow?
What does she do with them when she's offroading? Is she worried they'll get bruised if she drives over a speed bump?
Does she keep them in her purse when she's not driving her truck?
Do they come in bigger or smaller sizes than this? Are they made of hard plastic or are they squishy?
But the biggest question of all, really: Why?