Weekends are supposed to be for recharging your batteries, right? Which supposition leaves me wondering what it is I'm doing wrong. I ended up taking a nap in a lawn chair at 7 pm last night, woke up in time for the weekly episode of True Blood, then collapsed into bed, waking at 5 am bleary-eyed and feeling way too tired for the 40 minute kickboxing workout The Daily Burn made me do. That's right, I said made me do. They said if I did their cardio workouts for 30 days I'd get into amazing shape. Its probably a lie, and there is something rather pathetic about an almost 50 year old woman sweating like a pig and trying to jab and kick as fast or as well as three twenty year old chicks who look like you could bounce quarters off their collective asses, but I put on my bathing suit this weekend to cool off in the pool and I know how badly I need to do those jab-and-kick combos. Not to mention also needing to get something resembling color on my legs. White dough. Yuck.
"I don't care what you say, you're still sexy, baby," SG says to me when I complain. Not that a man his age is going to be terribly picky, but its nice to know your husband thinks you're hot.
That pool has to be the best investment we've made in the last 12 months.
Its an above-ground pool, 42" deep and its either the 23' or the 18' model, I can't remember which. It was on sale the end of last summer at the department store and well worth every penny of $299. I spent several hours in it this weekend. Saturday it was just SG and me and a couple of large margaritas, and then yesterday the kids were home and the four of us splashed and played and had a great time. The kids were in the pool more than they were out of it yesterday, and it warms my heart to see how quickly Race Car Man will jump away from Minecraft and go racing to find his swimsuit when I quietly ask "Hey, dude, want to go in the pool?" I think its good for parents to find activities to do with the kids during the summer, but lets face it, summer is long and my mind is frequently dull. Having the pool makes it easy to get them outside and away from the computer, TV and DS screens.
I probably would have felt more rested today but last night we had SG's parents and his friend Jim over for dinner. SG cooked a tri-tip on the grill and we made a dent in the wine rack. SG picked up a bottle of Tagaris 2009 BoarDoe. Cute name. Really decent wine. My father in law brought a bottle of Kiona Vineyards Cyclops, also a treat. Apparently last night was the night for red blends.
My in-laws are lovely and always easy to have. Jim is also fun to have over, but inevitably his presence ends up involving too much wine and too much of he and I wrangling over politics. We always start talking riding - he has mules and we trail ride together sometimes. Inevitably this leads to something political (Jim and my husband are hardcore Libertarians). I play the devil's advocate and start with the "what about this" line of questioning. We always have fun and we love each other to death, but I blame him for both my need for an evening nap AND the headache between my eyes this morning.
"Mommy, why are you guys fighting?" the kids ask. "They aren't fighting, they're discussing," SG tells them. "Oh, OK" they say, not believing. "Discussing sounds a lot like fighting." But it was my house so I win. When we go to Jims he gets to win. I think.
Note to self: Arguing politics makes you tired and crabby in the morning.
Rest, play, rest, play. My weekend involved a lot of both. How was yours?