I'm bummed because it seems not many hits on the blog for yesterday's post on help for Haiti, even though I FB'd AND twittered it. I hope its just because people were too busy looking up their own channels of donating or doing something to come here and read my blog. Its hard to imagine being worried about the ordinary minutiae of life when it seems that hundreds of thousands of people are trapped, injured or dying half a world a way. It certainly puts things into perspective.
Personally, I could use a little perspective, since this week I've really felt up to my ass in alligators. Or up to my caboose in crocodiles. Whichever metaphor works for ya. Work has been a trial, and I often think I need a daily refresher in corporate politics. I love my job, I really do. I love my company and I love the people I work with. I'm very fortunate in this economy to have what I have. But even the best workplaces come with quicksand and politics and people who do things you don't like. I've had my nose out of joint all week about something, and I really just need to get over it and move on. Monday I seriously felt like punching someone in the face. I dont' get that way at work too often, and when I do it is not pretty. I practically have to lock my office door and not answer the phone, otherwise I risk saying something really bad to someone.
Top that off with the kids and/or dogs keeping me up almost every night this week, I've devolved into a shambling, cross-eyed shadow of my former self. I've become so absolutely inane that yesterday when I heard what Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson said about Haiti not only did I lose my temper, but I lost the ability to even TYPE. I started to write something about it last night and the keyboard was all 87jk7hjjkoip*&9uiohjHUYU. ZJH897hjaghadf. 38or7uzgknjvxjhauio;hgnlkjlKJL:J:HHH:OIIUUJ.
See? Inanity.
I don't even know if I can adequately put into words what an assbag douchenozzle I think Rush is. That man has made millions off of riling up stupid people with stupid opinions. He's not THAT ntelligent, he doesn't personally adhere to the values he holds up for the rest of the world, but I mostly dislike him because I think he's a bully. There is always room in any government for opposition to the current status quo. That opposition is right and it is necessary because it helps keep things in balance. It gives the politicians a gut check, and I'm all for outstanding reporting and fact-finding to help keep our government honest, no matter what party is running the show. But outright lies and stories that are only meant to widen the difference between the citizens of this country get us absolutely nowhere. Nowhere.
I don't even want to talk about how big a difference, RUSH, there is between waiting three days to make commentary on a terrorist attack where no one was even hurt (well, perhaps the would-be attacker singed his testicles a little bit, but come ON) and getting the word right out there while hundreds of thousands of men, women and CHILDREN FOR FUCK'S SAKE are dying, injured, trapped. Its like discussing the salient differences between peanut butter and oh, I don't know, CARROTS. And as for Pat Robertson? Does anybody even WATCH the 700 club anymore? Apparently they must, since his idiocy made the news. Either that or someone suffering from terrible insomnia was sitting on the couch flipping channels, they happened upon the Good Mr. Robertson talking about Haiti and thought "Oh, good, he's going to tell me where I can send some donations, I'll stop and listen!" and instead got an earful of complete and utter batshit idiocy.
See, I start to think about it and I'm all adfkjfdal;aerito;knj.uoit548u904tq09ujkcl and I have to keep backtracking to retype the words I've completely misspelled because I WAS SO FURIOUS I COULDN'T EVEN TYPE. JJujutg89IOJ789t
So there.
People, PLEASE. Help out our friends in Haiti.